Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries, UK (AFCM, UK) follows the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures of the Roman Catholic Diocese in England and Wales and administered by the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
These can be found at:

‘Like obedient children do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct for it is written ‘You shall be holy for I am holy’ 1 Peter 1:14-15

The AFCM, UK Children and Youth Ministry serves to promote the safe recruitment of volunteers in the Charity and work in partnership with the Arch Diocese of Birmingham Safeguarding Team. Volunteers to our Children and Youth Ministry are largely managed by our nominated Safeguarding Representatives who will provide necessary forms for those who take responsibility for and who have significant contact with children and young people and vulnerable adults.

AFCM, UK also offer training and regular refresher courses to our volunteers to ensure our volunteers operate within safeguarding guidelines and code of conduct ensuring children and young adults are kept safe from any form of harm.

Privacy Policy – AFCM, UK

1.1 AFCM, UK is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales and our number is 1153546. Registered address : 20 Brooke Road, Kenilworth, CV8 2BD. In this Notice, references to ‘we’ and ‘us’ means Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries, UK.

1.2 “Personal Data” means information from which an individual can be identified, directly or indirectly

1.3 When you provide us with Personal Data in order to engage with us and/or benefit from our activities, we may keep a record of the data you give to us in order to enable us to comply with our statutory and other legal obligations and to achieve our charitable objects of the advancement of the Catholic faith and Christian beliefs for the benefit of the public in accordance with the statements of beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church.

1.4 For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/279 (GDPR), Sehion Ministries through its Trustees will be a Data Controller in respect of your Personal Data.

1.5 AFCM, UK is committed to ensuring that Personal Data is properly and securely managed in accordance with the relevant data protection laws, and believes this is an important part of achieving trust and confidence between AFCM, UK and those

1.6 Use of Photos/Videos/Testimonies here int the website are with due permission from the people. They shall not be copied or published without prior written permission us.

1.7 You can contact us with the mail ID:



All of us with a role in the AFCM, UK have a duty to protect children and adults in vulnerable circumstances. We also have a duty to keep ourselves safe. By understanding and sticking to the following rules we should be able to keep everyone safe as possible. 

  1. If you have, or hope to take on role with children and adults in vulnerable situation, please contact AFCM, UK Safeguarding Person i.e. JAISON or THERESA. We will provide you with application forms and make sure you are up to date with safeguarding arrangements within AFCM, UK.
  2. No one should ever be left alone with children, if you plan any activity you should ensure that there are adults in reserve to cover any shortfall. Without two approved adults being present, the activity be postponed.
  3. If you intend to transport children in your own car there must be a second adult in the car with you at all times. If this is likely to be a regular arrangement check with your insurer.
  4. Greetings can be difficult with children a high five or similar hand contact away from you body works well.
  5. Young children may seek physical contact but it is important that any physical contact must be in the public, age appropriate and at the instigation of the child. 
  6. If you find yourself isolated with a child or if there has been any physical contact that could be interpreted as inappropriate you must take factual record of what happened and inform the safeguarding represantives for AFCM, UK or Birmingham Safeguarding Team at Cathedral House immediately.
  7. When arranging all activities for our children, a risk assessment should be undertaken and completed in writing at all times, consent forms completed and permission obtained for any photographic images to be made publicly available.
  8. Youth groups should have policies in place regarding the management of behaviour.
  9. If you need to communicate with children via social media you must not use your equipment/account etc but one that is set up by AFCM, UK.
  10. Parents must consent to this and have an oversight 


As you make a booking for your child who is a minor, you agree to the following items with us to complete the booking:

PARENTAL CONSENT : FOR VIDEO CONFERENCING PLATFORM: I consent to my child utilizing this video conferencing software for this event. I consent that I will supervise my child and ensure that she/he will access online ministry during my presence. I understand that online ministry is for children under the age of 18 years. I confirm that my child will take part in online ministry in a public place in the home and not in their bedroom or in a room with their door closed. I acknowledge that, as a parent of the child signing up, my child will be asked by the team members to switch on or switch off the video and ‘mute’ or unmute at any time throughout the call. I ackowledge that me or my child will not record any part of the programme (audio, video or pictures) without the prior written consent from the coordinator of the retreat. I understand that if my child does not follow the instructions of the team, AFCM, UK has the right to remove my child from the group anytime during the online Ministry. I also give permission to AFCM, UK Children’s Catholic Ministry to record the event and that this will be posted on any media and that it may include media of my child if they take part on video through accessing the online ministry on AFCM, UK social media and/or website.

YOU Also Agree to : – for capturing consentBy signing my child up for Video Conferencing Platform for Children’s Ministry, I agree to all the above terms and give consent to AFCM, UK Children’s Ministry. If I have any other questions or concerns after agreeing to these terms, I will endeavour to directly contact the responsible Coordinator for AFCM, UK Children’s Ministry via email.

The Dignity and Sanctity of every human life is a gift from God.

We abhor the abuse to which some children and vulnerable adults are subjected.

We endeavour to follow the policies as agreed by the Safeguarding policies and Procedures of the Roman Catholic Diocese in England and Wales. We will strive to ensure that children and young adults are kept safe from any form of harm.

(These policies can be accessed at:

The AFCM, UK Safeguarding Representatives are:
Jaison Joseph: +44 7827 872079 / Theresa Joseph: +44 7898640847
If you would like to discuss any safeguarding issue or would like any further information please contact any of the above representatives