The Kids for Kingdom ministry is an exceptional ministry under Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries, UK (AFCM, UK) for the children and teenagers who are aged between 5 and 16. The chief purpose of this ministry is to proclaim the Word of God to the children and to make Jesus known to them intimately. The programmes that the ministry does consists of several elements like preaching, praise and worship, devotion to Mother Mary, musical worship, action songs, sacred dramas, activities etc. The Spirit of God has been in complete control in all the previous KFK ministries as the results have been positive through many conversions happening among the youngsters.
We would like to let the readers know that we are ready to come to your areas, localities and parishes to conduct retreats for kids and teens. Please contact us
More Details
Pre-Teens School Of Evangelisation
Venue The Briars Youth Centre, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5BW Contact +44 7877508926
- Monday | 17/02/2025 to Thursday | 20/02/2025
- All Day
- The Briars Youth Centre, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5BW
Thomas Joseph: Tel: +44 7877 508926, Email: afcmuk@gmail.com
Safeguarding Policies

Training/Leaders Programmes
Retreats and training programs are conducted regularly for all our ministers and people who wish to join the ministry to serve the Lord. These are occasions where they get to stay in grace, meditate and to discern the Will of God. No service survives without personal prayer, intercession and meditation. These retreats help all our ministers to stay strong in their spiritual life and to respond well to their call for evangelisation. If the Holy Spirit inspires you to join the team, you can talk to any of the team members during any of the programs, and we’ll follow up with you.
Global Evangelisation Mission
This is the outreach wing of AFCM, UK, where the team travels to places around the world to spread the Word of God. The team normally gets an invitation or co-ordinates with a parish or retreat centre, gets there, stays with them, prays with the parish or group who’s organized the event. One day retreats/workshops are conducted at those places, and the team tries to visit as many schools and communities possible in the neighbourhood to preach the Word of God. As St Francis Xavier said - Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians.
The team has been to the remote villages in places like Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh in North India, Africa etc with this mission. If you want to invite the team over to your place whererver you are, please use the ‘Contact Us’ page on this website, and we’ll be in touch with you.
Contact: Jose Kuriakose: +44 7414 747573 / Saju Varghese: +44 7809 827074 Upcoming Events:

Tentative timetable for the day
- 08.00 am - Rosary
- 08.30 am - Praise and Worship
- 09.30 am - Separate Holy Masses in English (Latin rite) and Malayalam (Syrian rite)
- 10.30 am - Separating English and Malayalam streams
- 11.00 am - Music/Praise and Worship
- 11.30 am - Talk by the main preacher
- 01.00 pm - Tea Break for English Section
- 01:20 pm - Praise and Worship
- 01:30 pm - Testimony/Healing Service/Talk
- 02:30 pm - Announcements/flyer and magazing distribution
- 02:55 pm - Back to the main hall
- 03:00 pm - Adoration
- 04:00 pm - Day ends
Free entry
Free onsite parking
Second Saturday Catholic Convention, Bethel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way, West Bomwich, B70 7JW
By road
From Junction 1 of the M5 take the A4252 towards West Bromwich. At the first roundabout turn right onto A4182 Second roundabout straight over onto Kelvin Way Half a mile down, Bethel is on the right hand side.By train
Sandwell & Dudley Station is about 10 minutes walk away. Turn right out of the station then turn right at the next roundabout. The Centre is opposite.Address
Bathel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way, West Bomwich, B70 7JW, Birmingham, EnglandContact:
- General: Shaji: 00447878149670 / Anish : 0044 7760254700
- To arrange coaches from your area: Biju : 0044 7859 890 267
- Mail us: afcmuk@gmail.com
Free entry / Free onsite parking / A Day of Fasting and Prayer

Safeguarding Policies
Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries, UK (AFCM, UK) follows the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures of the Roman Catholic Diocese in England and Wales and administered by the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
These can be found at: www.csasprocedures.uk.net ‘Like obedient children do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct for it is written ‘You shall be holy for I am holy’ 1 Peter 1:14-15Contact:
- General: Mr. Noble: +447737695783